Derrick is the new bookkeeping and commerce teacher at Bread of Life Secondary School.

Derrick graduated this past year with a degree in Bookkeeping and business from the Tanzania Institute of Accounts. He came to DBLCH 15 years ago when he was a small boy. Through the scholarship funds, he graduated from Bread of Life Secondary School and Tanzania Institute of Accounts, Mbeya Branch. It is a dream come true that one of the first children now teaches the next generation of DBLCH children.
Before Derrick came as the business teacher, the BLSS students did not do well on national exams in business. The latest test results were a total turnaround. Three BLSS students were in the top ten in students in the district on the business subject exams, and the school was in the top three in overall performance in business studies in the district.
The second day of Bible School went great. The School is being held at the Acts Fellowship sanctuary and office. The church has begun to collect blocks and bricks to build a classroom for use for Bible school, nursery, and disclosing classes. Bonnie and Floyd continued teaching their courses today.
Bible School runs through Friday.