Recently, ten members of Leesburg Community Church joined us a mission trip to Romania. They led church services, gave testimonials, visited Gypsy families, taught classes for the children, and were able to visit the site of what will be the Peris Children's Home.

Here is our team! 10 total, 5 women and 5 men. Spanning in age from 29-77. All called upon by God to come help and serve in Romania with our dear friends Attila, Adél, as we minister to and love on our Romanian friends, Hungarian friends and Gypsy friends.
We have a passion for the Lord and a passion for helping others. We have been called to come help build a home, minister to the women, care for and teach little children, educate the teens, leadership with the men, pray for the families as we visit their homes, worship together in service and so much more! It’s impossible to capture how excited and blessed we are to be here. 💙
-- Brianne Becker

As I returned to visit Attila and Adel and our ministry partners in Romania, it was exciting for me as I had not visited since 2011. My family and our church have been involved in this ministry since 2011 and we have followed them closely though emails, their visit to our church several years ago, and the Teleios newsletter. Nine additional church members joined me, six who had visited before, and 3 new attendees.
I had told Floyd several years ago that I wanted to return to see with my own eyes of the work God is doing through Teleios, Attila and Adel. It was amazing to see the blessings of God as we participated in worship services, a construction project, and men's, women's, and children's events. To see our team encourage, preach, teach, and share our own stories with Gypsies, Romanians, and Hungarians, was very special for me. I watched the true joy of our team in serving and the tremendous gratitude of all those we came to serve.
It is not an image I will ever forget and in this season of Thanksgiving, I am grateful that God invited us in 2011 to be a part of His work here, allowed me to return and see all He is doing, and enjoy such great joy as we served Christ together with our extended family in Romania.
-- Bill Anderson

As you know, in the year 381, at the Council of Constantinople, the Nicene Creed was promulgated and became a foundational statement of what the church had believed from the words of the Apostles. In it is the statement that, “I believe in one holy, catholic and apostolic Church”, catholic meaning universal. Though I have lived or traveled on four continents, for me the trip was my very first experience of the church thus described. I shall always be deeply thankful to you and Attila for that.
The specific events and experiences which impel me to that response include:
The worship services in a language I did not understand but still shared through the music, testimonies, prayer and the Word preached, true, pure apostolic worship that moved my heart and exalted my God - Father, Son, and Spirit.
The home visits in which the power of the Spirit of God was so evident in opening hearts to the Gospel, in the encouragement of sharing deeply held prayer needs, and realizing that, indeed, as the Apostle Paul wrote to the Ephesian church, we are “fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God…being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit”.
Seeing and hearing those little children being prepared for entering school by loving saints.
Watching five guys from separate continents up on a roof preparing a home for a brother in need.
Singing hymns in a strange tongue to the listeners and seeing the pleasure on their faces.
The hours spent in the home of Attila and Adel, where the deep joy from bonds of faith was so evident and shared, was icing on the cake…and more cake…and ice cream…and other calories galore!
I am still processing all this. And still, hopefully always, rejoicing in my Savior, and the Bride being build for him! There was much joy in heaven, too, I am sure.
-- Noel Brown

This was yet again an fantastic experience. I struggle in this world of fast-paced, surface level, materialistic space. Yet - Being among the poorest of poor, yet some of the richest in faith has truly been mended in the fabric of my heart. I am so grateful for the time I spent…I only yearn for more. It is authentic, it is real, it is hopeful, it is light, it is love.
This sort of work is where my heart belongs…take me Lord – I will go.
-- Beth Shaha

How do you even begin to share just a few sentences on this wonderful experience? After 4 trips, it just gets richer and deeper in God moments, connections, laughter and love. It's amazing how despite language differences, cultural differences that God can link hearts of brothers & sisters in his kingdom. It's mind blowing and humbling when you get to experience God's sovereignty, goodness & mercies in living it out... being the hands, feet and heart of Jesus. It's so encouraging to see God's faithfulness through the years in Romania, including Attila & Adel, and to see HIS church and people grow in their faith.
A few heart snapshots:
- Attila & Adel's nonstop joy & passion for what they do, and who they bless. Such servant leadership. No judgement, just love, care & compassion. Their tireless dedication & obedience is inspiring to all who are blessed to meet them and know them and love them.
- When I first went to Romania 2011, I had the opportunity to sit with a woman in prayer, she was crying and so visibly upset. While I didn't understand a word she said, her pain transcended and I could feel her despair. It was later translated that she was beaten and abused by her alcoholic husband regularly. He threatened to beat her for just going to church with her 2 children. She got into my soul. Then, on this trip (7 years later) - I was so happy to see her again for a wonderful reunion. THEN to witness her husband going up to receive Jesus at our first night at Apalina, took my breath away. Seven years...while I don't know what happened in the meantime to her and her family, I marvel at God's perfect timing that he would allow me to be privy to such a life changing moment. It never gets old, when the Divine allows you to see the blessings and miracles.
- Seeing the churches growing and developing disciples. What encouragement in seeing results of laboring, investing and pouring into people.
- Seeing the children being excited about learning and receiving an education. Knowing they receive their daily bread (spiritually in hearing and growing in God's truths; but physically in an after school feeding program for a hot meal to fill their bellies) is such a praise. And they had such excitement in hearing about Noah's ark or David & Goliath.
- Celebrating women and teen girls in letting them know how very precious and loved they are by God & us.
- Knowing there is a Children's Home that will make a difference in the lives of a dozen or more gypsy children. To know that "home" will be filled with the love of God, love of family, a warm and safe place to sleep and to have meals. I cannot wait to see the impact that will make in their lives and how God will use them.
- Our team - how God can use a group of folks (all ages, backgrounds, flawed and sinners) to come together in prayer, fellowship, love and laughter in sharing in kingdom work. To see gifts and talents being used and shining God's great. Our God is an awesome God & what an honor to experience this together. Floyd & Bonnie - your willingness to surrender in obedience in this God calling is significant, so thank you for allowing me and us to be part of your story and God's glory story. God bless you in all you do!
-- Amber Campbell
Monday morning, October 29th began with a visit to what will be the Peris Orphanage. It was amazing to see the building plans thus far and what LCC has already helped to fund. I can just see this building full of color, toys and children laughing, playing, having fun and being loved. These children that will come here will be kept off the streets and shown how to love. They will be warm in this house and clothed. There is a greenhouse in the back where the children will help work and tend to. This building will be a safe refuge and hold anywhere from 12-30 children at a time. May God Bless this Home.
We will forever be engraved in the walls of this building.
-- Brianne Becker
Thank you to everyone who joined us on this trip, and a special thanks to Brianne who got everyone's pictures together and shared her experiences in such great detail on Facebook.