Meg Hunt has been with Teleios since the beginning and we are thankful for all the support, work, and time she has devoted to help further our mission.

As our Publications Manager, she has helped write, design, fold, stamp, and mail every newsletter and Christmas Catalog we have sent out over more than 20 years. She is an invaluable source of information, imagination, wit, and #2 pencils.
We are incredibly proud to announce that Meg has been recognized by the National Federation of Press Women for her work on that catalog and was recently awarded first place in the 2023 NFPW Communications Contest in the best Public Relations Materials - Catalog, Manual, or Handbook category.

NFPW is a nationwide organization of women and men working in a variety of communications careers. Recipients of this year's Communications Contest awards were honored at the organization's annual conference held in Cincinnati, Ohio on Saturday, June 24, 2023. To qualify for the national awards, Meg's work on the catalog had to win first place at the state level against other entries in the category published during 2022.
Congratulations, Meg!