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Answered Beans

Prayer answered: Floyd, Winnie, Dennis, Neema, and John are Baptized.

Floyd was delivered to Daily Bread Life Children’s Home by Social Welfare as a newborn found near a trash container at the Iringa Bus Station. The prognosis was that he would not make it. His first couple of years were spent in and out of the hospital—no one knew if he would live, but Neema and the DBLCH staff lovingly cared for him. Bonnie still remembers going with Neema for Floyd’s “check-ups” at the local police station as a swaddling infant. Today, he is “trouble” as Mpeli says. Full of life, energy, and very smart. Dr. Floyd baptized Dr. Floyd today at Acts Fellowship Church, Kigonzile. No words to describe this special, incredible moment.

Winnie came to Daily Bread Life Children’s Home with no history. Like Derrick in “A Tale of Four Children,” she has no family or history except the DBLCH home family. She has been at DBLCH for over 12 years—shy but always smiling. She now is one the children who leads their singing. Today, Winnie was baptized. Now, she has a future and family that can never be taken—she has history.

Also, baptized were Dennis and Neema featured in “A Tale of Four Children.” God worked to bring Dennis and Neema to DBLCH that they might know Him and follow Him as He cared for them. Another special, incredible story.

John built the Cornerstone Bible Institute Building and office for Acts Fellowship of Tanzania. He is a very good “fundi.” Mpeli described that he came from a pagan background. After two years of talking and sharing with John, Neema guided him to his decision to follow Jesus Christ. Today, I (Floyd) met John for the first time in the baptismal pool. John is now “brother” as well as “fundi.”


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