We are Together! Bill and Debbie arrived in Nyeri at noon yesterday and quickly joined the Life Change Investments Business Conference at the Outspan Hotel. Debbie soon left and joined Bonnie at the Kieni West Women’s Meeting at Ruirii Baptist Church. Floyd and Charles were leading the sessions at the LCI conference. Later in the afternoon, Debbie, Bonnie, and Bernard joined the LCI group for a special celebration.
Bill and Debbie are celebrating their 45th Wedding Anniversary next Saturday, Floyd and Bonnie were celebrating their 44th wedding Anniversary that day, and Carol Kabaru’s birthday was that day. We had a great time celebrating all three special times. The cake was certainly unique. Three Celebrations plus Two Meetings equal one purpose

Today, Bill’s teaching focused on Value based Relationships building culture of the company. Bernard spoke. Debbie and Bonnie had a sessions on spouses supporting each other in business. Tomorrow we travel to Shalom for worship.