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Building a Home by Hand

Greetings from Sunbelt Marketing!

The team joined Shalom Baptist Church in worship, fellowship, and seeing the OVC and Economic Empowerment partnership at work. They brought greetings to the church and enjoyed a true Kenyan meal.

But now the eating and visiting is over! WORK BEGINS TODAY!

This Monday morning began with breakfast at 7, then work began on a new home for Mama Maina and her children. Construction is to be completed by Wednesday. The work is all muscle.

The pictures tell the story. Holes to be dug. Lumber to be cut. Nails to be driven. Latrines to be built! Along with a kitchen and the house. All "by hand.”

Wait! That looks like Charles is sneaking in a power saw!!

Grace Mbugua is leading the ladies in preparing the chapati snacks and lunch. It’s a community effort!

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