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Together again

Together again! The pastor's wives of Kieni West came together with Bonnie, Grace, and Lucy for catching up, planning, and Bonnie teaching on Parenting. They had the best time. The next gatherings are scheduled for January and April in 2023.

Charles, Robert, Floyd Muteithia, and I joined Stephen Kibishi, chairman of the Gataragwa Water Committee to see the progress and prioritize water projects moving forward. Construction has started on the Muthangira Water Tank and the borehole is waiting testing.

God blessed with an artesian well that has been discovered that is producing more water than current aquaduct mountain water source. This is great news! New lines are planned that will connect all the water tanks and water lines to abundant water.

The pictures show the dryness during what is usually a green. rainy season. With the water, the families of the area can have gardens. This moves the long range plans for reaching the entire area with consistent water to be "by next year." We all are thanking God.

I also had to share a picture on my bright grandson, Floyd Muteithia, reading the newspaper catching up on political news of the day!

As we ended our day, we saw a beautiful sunset. Then, after days of clouds, through the trees we saw Mt. Kenya--a blessed day! Tomorrow we worship with the Shalom Baptist Church.


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