Today's blog post is from Jeni Dover.
Is it really camp if a child doesn't cry all day to go home and another child throws up at the table? My answer is no. Fortunately, homesickness can be cured by a quick phone call home to mom, and breakfast on the floor just needs a mop. It's crazy how those memories from camp stick with you but somehow always make you smile.
Day 2 started with Caleb stretching us out and warming us up. (The morning was a little cooler, however, the afternoon made up for it!) Then there was singing and the story of the woman at the well. We talked about Jesus loving us before He changes us. Later the children participated in fun relay games and lunch before a short rest.
Afternoon rotations had the children coloring backpacks to take their crafts from the week home and more singing and learning about butterflies. The children were so excited about making butterflies that flew that the adults wanted to do it too. Best. Craft. Ever!

The evening brought even more singing and testimonies from Christian, Balazs, and me. Next Sandor preached the story of the prodigal son with the emphasis on our importance to the Father. The adults sang "The Goodness of God" - in Hungarian, of course. It is so beautiful to see the movement of the Holy Spirit! There was a boy who repented and asked Jesus to be his Savior. He was at camp with us in 2018 and 2019. The best part is his parents are here and were able to witness it.
It's hard to believe that day 2 of camp is just memories now. Memories that gross us out or make us smile. Some that will always make us laugh out loud and no one around us will understand. Then there are the ones that move us to tears, but joyful tears that Believers everywhere understand and will be moved with us.