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Bellevue Center

Bellevue Center

Pastor Stephen and Ann work tirelessly in the Bellevue community of the Kieni West subcounty. The Bellevue Baptist Church sits strategically in the town area and is a vital force of ministry. As they share the gospel of Jesus Christ and His transforming power, they believe that Jesus Christ transforms the whole life of a person. Because of this, they strive to make physical conditions better for those to whom they minister.


Stephen pastors the main church as well as smaller congregations planted under his leadership by the mother church. He is the leader of pastors in the Kieni West area and founder of the Kieni West Bible School


Ann is the coordinator of the Orphans and Vulnerable children’s work in the Bellevue area. This task requires keeping in touch with 53 children and their needs. She works closely with the kitchen garden projects and the goat and hen projects that provide for indigent families.

Shalom Center

The community of Shalom was established by the government for resettlement of refugees from the violence that occurred following the 2007 presidential election. People who had lost everything and were living in refugee camps were given two acres of land, poles and enough tin sheets to roof a 10x10' “home” in this semi-arid region in order to rebuild their lives.


Far from their homeland, believers in Jesus Christ began to search out one another and the Shalom Church was established. At the same time LEFTI was working alongside the Kieni West pastors and saw the need to assist the young church. With support from other Teleios partners from the United States, a church building was constructed and the dream of a group of believers to reach others for Jesus Christ and meet other needs as well became reality. 


Today the growing, vibrant fellowship aids those around them. They have helped construct adequate housing for those too old to build and are involved trying to help develop potable water for the community. A committee of the church, under the direction of LEFTI, coordinates an OVC program providing school fees, kitchen gardens and goat and hen projects.

Shalom Center


Gataragwa Water Project

Gataragwa Water Project

In April 2017, a meeting between Teleios partners and local leaders in Kieni West was held to discuss the biggest challenges in the area, and water – specifically water storage – was number one. It was determined that a new storage tank would be constructed in Lamuria in order to provide the community with accessible water. The first storage tank began construction in August 2017 and was completed just in time for Christmas – a much-needed gift after months of drought. A second storage tank was completed in June 2018, and it was discovered that an older tank previously believed unsalvageable would actually be an easy repair.


In May 2018 – just over a year after the conception of the project – the Kenyan water officials presented their annual meeting report, proposing the Gataragwa Water Project in Partnership with LEFTI

Lamuria Secondary School

Gataragwa Water Project

A classroom at the Lamuria Secondary School was constructed to provide much-needed space for the growing local school. This new classroom reduced the number of students per classroom from 70 to 40. 


250 parents showed up for the classroom dedication (on a work day!) and responded to the challenge calling for them to fund an additional classroom by donating a brick at a time. Construction on this classroom has begun.


The school has grown to 300 students because of their performance and the school quality thanks in part to the support from Teleios partners. Our next focus will be on the construction of a laboratory building.

Business Development

Started in 2015, Life Change Investments (LCI) is a for-profit Kenyan-owned and Teleios-supported business started with the purpose of assisting men and women who desire to honor Christ in the market place. 


LCI conducts conferences twice yearly to guide and instruct Kenyan business owners in the best practices in running a successful, God-led business. LCI also recognizes the lack of employment opportunities available to local youth and seeks to support those with a God-given vision. Revenue from these business loans (available at significantly lower rates than from the banks) are used to support the business community and provide assets for the next generation of loans.

Business Development


Women's Empowerment


The Women's Empowerment Program is a new program being developed in line with the vision of Grace Mbuga. Similar in direction to LCI, Women's Empowerment seeks to provide women in Nyeri County with business opportunities in the market place, using the love of Jesus Christ.


The goal is to provide financial support through business loans and mentorship to support women in the development of their God-given visions in order to support themselves and their families. Additionally, we seek to help them develop their leadership skills for service in the church and community.

A New Way to Plumb


The current plumbing system in Kenya was introduced by the British during colonization and was developed by the Romans during the Roman Empire. Needless to say, it's a little out of date.


At this point, they are being introduced to modern Western plumbing practices, including the separation of grey water from sewage. A master plumber joined Teleios on a visit to Kenya and guided two indigenous plumbers through the installation of the system in Charles and Grace Mbuga's new home. 

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